Youth Aviation

Our core program is called “Taking Flight”. It teaches youth life skills such as safety for self and responsibility to protect others, accountability, the importance of procedures, and good decision making, through the principals of aviation. Flying provides real world experience in being focused, organized and consistent. The program demonstrates the
importance and benefits about making good decisions as a habit. The goal of the program is to inspire youth to be lifelong learners who take accountability and responsibility for their actions.
With the help of Aloft’s platform a firefighter at Kahului Airport developed the program to help youth learn about flight, flight mechanics, communications, and airport firefighting. The program was able to accept the donations of a training helicopter, and hours at a flight academy, and volunteer hours of mentorship for youth at an aircraft mechanic shop.
Taking Flight is a place where future aviators can potentially be certified pilots, mechanics, airport controllers, firefighters, and start on a life changing career path.

Womb Garden

A garden in support of healing of the feminine and education for girls

The womb garden is a space dedicated to healing by way of connecting back to nature, the earth and the intelligence of the plant kingdom. Plants and herbs with properties that are medicinal to womens’ health are cultivated in the garden for the purpose of cooking, making teas, tinctures, medicine or poultices.

Located just a few feet away from the womb garden is a garden deck and outdoor kitchen, utilized for gatherings centered around womens’ health and wellness, and workshops that involve cooking or processing plants gathered from the garden.

A fire pit in the center of the womb-shaped garden remains the main feature as most gatherings in the garden happen around the fire, where music, stories and healing is shared and witnessed.

We foster close relationships with birth workers and healers who work first hand with women in childbirth and postpartum, and through all stages of womanhood to provide support they might need to nurture themselves as well as the women they are helping.

The garden serves as a venue for workshops and classes that center around various intergenerational womens’ gatherings, handwork, cooking and building community.
Past events that have successfully been hosted in the garden include garden work day parties, womens’ trauma informed circles, breathwork, eco-sensuality, body and soul fair, cultural celebrations, girls circles etc.

For the past year, the womb garden has also been involved with monthly girls circles for ages 9-13, focusing on building sisterhood, keeping their connection to nature, recognizing they are cyclical by design, just like the moon, and to listen to their innate guidance system.

One of our current projects is to print feminine themed booklets in support of women struggling with addiction and the sex trade. These booklets aim to bring awareness to the relationship women have with their wombs and female genitalia, while supporting those who are on their healing journey, one womb at a time.

Future events include mini series of womens’ circles, silent healing circles, natural fibers workshops (e.g.drop-spindle cotton spinning), natural dye classes, pre-menopausal workshops, postpartum meal cooking classes, girls and womens bridging ceremonies, and mens circles.

In efforts to rehabilitate the soil that the garden sits on (prior pineapple plantation land), the womb garden employs services by Soilthrive for bio-amendment applications. These applications help to bring back the biodiversity of the soil, allowing for improved nutrition for the plants to thrive.